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Russia-Ukraine latest: Ukraine officially an EU candidate

Russia-Ukraine latest: Ukraine officially an EU candidate

Kyiv said he had officially submitted a case against Russia in the European Human Rights Court to end Human Rights Violations Mass and Dirty” by Moscow’s troops during the war in Ukraine, Reuters reported.

This step is considered symbolic, given that on June 7 the Russian Parliament approved two bills that ended the court jurisdiction in Russia.

The statement of the Ukrainian Ministry of Justice said the Russian invasion of Ukraine was illegal under the European Convention on Human Rights.

The court will be invited to find that Russia has been guilty of the most striking and sustainable violations of the convention ever placed in court, and to provide fair satisfaction on the same scale -the same has never happened before,” he said.The British government has updated the list of goods that are prohibited from being exported to Russia.

This includes jet fuel and fuel additives, as well as sterling banknotes or those that do not have eu -denominated; As well as the prohibitions available, supply, or paper money sending to people connected to Russia.

This prohibition also includes the provision of technical assistance, financial services, funds, and intermediary services related to iron and steel imports.

The European Union has approved the application of Ukraine to become a state candidate to enter the 27-streak block. The meeting of the European Union leaders in Brussels followed the recommendations of the European Commission, which was made on Friday 17 June.

This step came only one short day from the commemoration of four months President Putin who ordered his troops to Ukraine for what Russia emphasized was not war, but “Special Military Operations”.

The accession process to the EU can be long. To this day the official list of candidates including Albania, the Republic of North Macedonia, Montenegro, Serbia and Turkey. Turkey obtained the status of candidates in 1999, the Republic of North Macedonia in 2005.

European Commission President Ursula von der Leyen Tweeted on Thursday, “Today is a good day for Europe.”

The United States is expected to provide an additional $ 450 million in security assistance to Ukraine, including a longer distance rocket system, US officials told Reuters.

Officials said the announcement was expected on Thursday and the latest package expected to include four additional high mobility artillery rocket systems (HIMARS).

The official added that the details in the package could change at the last minute.

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