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Russia-Ukraine War News LIVE Updates: Multiple explosions rock Lviv, Dnipropetrovsk; Zelenskyy terms Mariupol shelling as ‘deliberate terror’

Russian Crisis of Direct Ukrainian War: Authorities in the west and south of Ukraine from Lviv and Dnipropetrovsk reported a variety of explosions, while a Reuters reporter heard a series of explosions in Kyiv, because the Russian invasion to the country continued. According to the Media Outlet Suskilne, two people were injured in the Dnipropetrovsk attack. Lviv Mayor Andriy Sadoviy […]

U.S. State Department’s human rights report on India flags curbs on free speech, civil society

In 2021 human rights reports in India, the US State Department has marked concerns over arbitrary arrests and detention, extra-judicial murders, violence against religious minorities, curbing free expression and media, including the prosecution of journalists who cannot be justified, ” Law is too strict In funding NGOs and civil society organizations, and “government harassment of domestic and international human rights […]

Imran Khan to face probe in ‘gifted necklace’ case: Report

The Federal Investigation Agency has opened an investigation into former Prime Minister Imran Khan on charges that he gave a necklace to Zulfikar Bukhari who had sold it to a jewelry in Lahore with ₹ 180 million (PKR). The necklace in the first place was talented to the former Prime Minister and should be stored in Toshakhana, Pakistan’s The Express […]

China Defends Its “Zero-Covid Policy” Amid Growing Global Criticism

Beijing: In the midst of growing global criticism of its zero-covid policy, China on Tuesday defended the strict Koronavirus steps that have resulted in difficulties in several Chinese cities including Shanghai’s global financial hub. Speaking at a press conference on Tuesday, the spokesman for the Chinese Foreign Ministry, Zhao Lijian said the “dynamic” policy of zero-covid and the country’s anti-epidemic […]

China says change in Pakistan’s leadership will not affect ties

China Monday stated that this “noted political change” in Pakistan, adding that it “will not affect” bilateral relations between narrow allies. With the Parliament of Pakistan, choosing Shehbaz Sharif as the new Prime Minister following the release of Imran Khan, Beijing closely follows the developments of the country he likes to call his “iron brother” and “all-time” ally . Chinese […]

Taliban release three Afghan journalists after media crackdown

The Taliban released three employees from the largest television station in Afghanistan after holding them for reporting that the country’s new rules took action against media freedom. Reports on Tolonews said that the Taliban had banned all broadcasts of foreign drama series, said a channel executive. Three staff from Tolonews were taken from the station in Kabul on Thursday night […]

Afghanistan: Taliban Have Begun To Show Their ‘true Colours’, Says Europe-based Think Tank

When the Taliban still did not separate on their decision to keep the girls away from secondary education, the Fundamentalist CAD group has begun to reveal “true colors,” the European Foundation told South Asian studies (EFSAS). Starting from robbing the basic Afghan human rights to damage women in the community, a list of violations have accelerated in seven months since […]

Hong Kong Govt ‘Strongly Opposes’ UK, US Report on City’s Diminishing Freedoms

Hong Kong (Reuters) – The Hong Kong government said on Friday it refused the allegations of “unfounded and ridiculous” which was made in policy reports from the UK and the United States political and legal situations that deteriorated due to extensive national security laws. The United States and the United States released a strong report on Thursday detailing concerns about […]

Taliban announce ban on poppy production in Afghanistan

The Afghan Taliban decision announced a week’s ban on poppy production, even when farmers throughout the country began harvesting bright red flowers that produce opium used to make heroin. The order warns farmers that their plants will be burned and they can be imprisoned if they continue harvesting. This ban reminded the previous Taliban rules in the late 1990s when […]