World News
From Marriage To Death Penalty: LGBT Rights Across The World

From Marriage To Death Penalty: LGBT Rights Across The World

Singapore announced on Sunday that they would revoke the law that criminally gay sex but in many other parts of the world’s homosexuality is illegal and sometimes submitting to the death penalty.

According to a report published in 2020 by Lesbian International, Gay, Bisexual, Trans and Intersex Association (ILGA), homosexuality is prohibited in 69 countries, including 11 where he can be sentenced to death.

This is a general review.

Around 30 African countries prohibit homosexuality, with Mauritania, Somalia and Sudan have the death penalty for same -sex relations.

South Africa is the only country in the African continent to allow gay marriage, which is legalized in 2006.ay sex is recriminalized only in a handful of countries: Angola, Lesotho, Mozambik and Seychelles.

Middle East: depressed

Some countries in conservative areas still have the death penalty for homosexuality, including Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates.

Israel leads in terms of gay rights, recognizing same-sex marriages carried out elsewhere even though they do not allow the union in the country itself. Gay couples can adopt children.Lebanon is also more tolerant than other Arab countries.

Taiwan, first in Asia

While most of Asia tolerant of homosexuality, Taiwan became the first in this region to allow gay marriage after an important decision by its constitutional court in 2017.

Vietnam declined the gay wedding celebration in 2015 but stopped from full legal recognition for same -sex unions.

Thailand in June took steps towards same -sex marriage when parliament members gave initial approval to legalize the same -sex union.

In 2018, the Indian Supreme Court decriminalized gay sex.Gay marriage and adoption is permitted in New Zealand and Australia.

Europe, Pioneer of Gay Wedding

The Netherlands in 2001 became the first country in the world to allow gay couples to get married.Since then, 17 European countries have followed: Austria, Belgium, England, Denmark, Finland, France, Germany, Iceland, Ireland, Lukemburg, Malta, Norwegian, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Slovenia and Switzerland.

Some countries only allow gay civil servants, including the Czech Republic, Croatia, Cyprus, Estonia, Greece, Hungary and Italy.

In Russia, homosexuality is considered as a crime until 1993 and mental disease until 1999. Now law, law 2013 but punish the promotion of homosexuality among minors.

In Hungary, the law that was passed in 2021 made “promote” homosexuality or gender changes to minors who could be punished with fines.

A number of countries allow same -sex couples to adopt.Reproduction assisted for lesbian couples is permitted in 12 European countries.

Progress in America

Canada is the first American country to pass the same -sex marriage and adoption in 2005, and 10 years later the United States legalized gay marriage nationally.

In Latin America, Argentina, Brazil, Colombia, Ecuador, Costa Rica, Chile and Uruguay allows same -sex marriages.

The capital of the Mexican Federal is a pioneer in the region, ratified a gay civilian union in 2007 and marriage in 2009. Nearly half of the 32 states have followed.Promoted to the latest songs, only at

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